Sustainability Performance Highlights
We are focused on generating value for all of our stakeholders through our strong sustainability performance as we strive to achieve our strategic objective of generating a net positive impact from our operations.
For more details of our sustainability performance, view our
Sustainability Yearbook Member 2024
In 2024, our strong performance led to our inclusion in the S&P Global Sustainability Yearbook, which features companies that scored in the top 15% of their industry.
As well, DPM received an “A” rating from MSCI ESG Research LLC, a leading independent ESG rating agency.
Health and Safety
Achieved 6.3 million hours without a lost-time injury in 2022
At DPM, we put the health and well-being of people first. This is one of our core values and it underpins all the work that we do, wherever we operate.
Our commitment to safety is reflected in our strong safety record. In 2022, our mining operations achieved a milestone 6.3 million hours without a lost-time injury, and our total recordable injury frequency rate has been continuously declining over the past 10 years.
We also recognize that protecting the well-being of our people involves much more than injury prevention. Our holistic approach to workplace health and safety includes programs that incorporate fitness, disease prevention and wellness, and recognizing and addressing mental health concerns.
Company-wide Safety Performance (TRIF)
As part of our commitment to gender diversity, we are a part of the 30% Club in Canada, a business-led campaign aiming to increase the number of women on corporate boards and executive leadership teams.
Women represent more than 42% of all DPM senior manager positions compared to a global average of 32% as shown in Grant Thornton’s 2022 Women in Business report. As of May 2022, we are proud that women represent 50% of our Board of Directors.
Percentage of women in senior management positions at DPM compared to world average
*Source: Grant Thornton’s 2022 Women in Business report
In 2022, we achieved a 10% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions compared to 2021
DPM has actively managed GHG emissions, energy use and energy intensity since becoming an operating company in 2004. In 2021, we announced our suite of GHG reduction targets to drive more innovation and encourage even more decarbonization efforts across our business.
In 2022, DPM decreased its total absolute Scope 1 & 2 emissions by 10% compared with 2021, representing significant progress towards achieving our 2035 emissions target.
Find our more about our APPROACH TO CLIMATE CHANGE
DPM Absolute Scope 1&2 Emissions and GHG Intensity (tCO2e/mil.$ revenue)
We recognize that in order to earn and maintain our social licence to operate, our host communities must thrive and grow just as our business does. Moreover, we recognize that our responsibility to those communities extends beyond the life of our operations, so we must work with them to ensure that they have the socio-economic capacity to continue to thrive and sustain themselves for the long-term, after mining ends.
Our contributions to local development represent millions of dollars every year and are an integral part of our partnerships with communities. We work together with elected officials and local organizations to identify both short and long-term priorities and provide support in a wide range of areas including infrastructure, education, health, local business development, arts and culture, and others, to help enhance the quality of life today as well as building for a sustainable future.
In 2022, we contributed approximately $6.4 million to local communities, including investments in local infrastructure, education, health, small and medium entrepreneurs, arts, culture and sports to create additional value for the communities where we operate.
2022 Community Investments
Reduced total freshwater consumption by more than 10% compared to 2020
In 2022, 47% of water consumed by our operations was recycled and reused on site.
Effective water management is a critical environmental priority for DPM. The nature of our business requires water for a variety of purposes, including technological processes, cooling of machinery, sprinkling systems and sanitary water supply.
At all sites, we ensure that we operate with low freshwater intensity. Thanks to continued investments in efficiency and recycling equipment, we have reduced our industrial water discharge to zero at our mine sites.
Total volume and Percentage of water recycled and reused
Zero industrial wastewater discharge across our mine sites in 2022
Recycle close to 90% of water we withdraw at all sites