
Tierras Coloradas Exploration Project, Ecuador

Well-Mineralized Low-Sulphidation Epithermal Vein System

Location Loja province, Ecuador
Ownership 100%
Stage Exploration
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The Tierras Coloradas concessions consist of four exploration licenses totalling 6,955 hectares (70km2), located in the province of Loja in southern Ecuador, near the border of Peru. The concessions host a low sulphidation epithermal vein system, discovered in 2009, which has been traced in at least five epithermal vein zones over an extent of an approximately 3 kilometre by 3.5 kilometre area.

In the first quarter 2023, DPM reported the results of a 2,700-metre diamond drilling program completed in the fourth quarter of 2022. The drilling program was designed to test a series of low sulphidation epithermal veins, previously identified by field work and scout drilling in 2020. Drilling confirmed two well-mineralized high-grade vein systems that remain open in multiple directions.

DPM commenced a 10,000-metre drilling program in August 2023.The primary focus will be to further assess the extension and geometry of the Aparecida and La Tuna vein systems and to test other additional recently discovered high-grade veins and soil anomalies.

Highlights image


  • Low sulphidation epithermal vein system mapped over a 3.5 km by 3.5 km area
  • Over 8 km of vein strike length delineated, largely accounted for by the Aparecida and La Tuna vein systems
  • Both targets remain open in multiple directions

Next Steps

  • Expanded 10,000-metre drilling program, which was initiated in August 2023
  • Focused on delineating shape, size and extents of the Aparecida and La Tuna vein systems
  • Additional scout drilling focused on the untested portions of the veins and soil-geochemistry anomalies